The Challenge of BRIC Multinationals – eBook PDF
The Challenge of BRIC Multinationals, (ePub/PDF) explores a number of idiosyncratic elements in the internationalization strategies of BRIC MNEs and, especially, in their relationship with home country policies:
1. The theoretical challenge: do we need different or more particular theories of EMNEs to assess the phenomenon of BRIC multinationals?
2. The empirical challenge: what marks the changing position of BRIC countries in the world economy?
3. The managerial challenge: with the coming of age of a new breed of multinationals, what differentiates BRIC multinationals from other (emerging market) multinationals?
4. The policy-making challenge: what influence have MNEs from BRIC countries had on their domestic economy?
NOTE: The product only includes The Challenge of BRIC Multinationals in the original ePub format. A converted PDF can be requested for free. No access codes included.
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