
Psychology and the Challenges of Life: Adjustment and Growth 14th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1119533498

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Psychology and the Challenges of Life: Adjustment and Growth 14th Edition by Spencer A. Rathus, ISBN-13: 978-1119533498

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Wiley; 14th edition (September 18, 2019)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 560 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 111953349X
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1119533498

In the 14th edition of this market leading title, Psychology and the Challenges of Life: Adjustment and Growth, authors Spencer Rathus and Jeffrey Nevid continue to reflect on the many ways in which psychology relates to the lives we live and the important roles that psychology can play in helping us adjust to the many challenges we face in our daily lives. Throughout the text, the authors explore applications of psychological concepts and principles in meeting life challenges such as managing time, developing self-identity, building and maintaining relationships, adopting healthier lifestyles, coping with stress, and dealing with emotional problems and psychological disorders.  The new edition has been thoroughly updated to meet the needs and concerns of a new generation of students. It provides additional information on psychology in the digital age, social media, the current Opioid crisis, as well as offering greater coverage of matters concerning sexuality and gender, and sexual orientation.

Table of Contents:

1. Psychology and the Challenges of Life

2. Personality: What It Is, How It’s Measured

3. Stress and Stress Management

4. Psychological Factors and Health

5. Developing More Healthful Behavior

6. The Self in the Social World

7. Social Influence: Being Influenced By—and Influencing—Others

8. Adolescent and Adult Development: Going through Changes

9. Gender Roles, Gender Identity, and Sexual Orientation

10. Relationships: Getting from Here to There

11. Sexual Behavior12. Psychological Disorders

13. Methods of Therapy: Ways of Helping

14. Time, Money, Studying, Tests: Meeting the Challenges of Daily Life

15. The Challenge of the Workplace

Spencer A. Rathus received his Ph.D. from the University at Albany and is on the faculty of The College of New Jersey. His research interests include treatment of obesity and eating disorders, smoking cessation, human growth and development, methods of therapy, and sexual dysfunctions. He is the author of the widely used Rathus Assertiveness Schedule and has written several college textbooks, including PSYCH, HDEV, AIDS: WHAT EVERY STUDENT NEEDS TO KNOW, HUMAN SEXUALITY IN A CHANGING WORLD, ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY IN A CHANGING WORLD, and CHILDHOOD AND ADOLESCENCE: VOYAGES IN DEVELOPMENT.

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