Psychology (12th Edition) – Wade/Tavris – eBook PDF
An overview of psychology that stresses critical thinking, gender, and culture
Wade/Tavris’ Psychology, 12th Edition, (PDF) is designed to help college students learn to think like psychologists and to comprehend why scientific and critical thinking is so important to the decisions they make in their own lives. In keeping with their trademark approach, authors Carol Tavris and Carole Wade, together with new contributor Alan Swinkels, continue to stress critical thinking and integrate coverage of gender and culture throughout the main narrative. The 12th Edition offers revised learning objectives that better guide students through the textbook in addition to updated research references that show progress in the field and cutting-edge discoveries.
P.S. Contact us if you want Psychology 12e testbank or any other instructor resources.
NOTE: The product only includes the ebook, Psychology, 12th Edition in PDF. No access codes are included.
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