
Introduction to Biostatistics with JMP

eBook details

  • Author: Steve Figard
  • File Size: 12 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length:  288 Pages
  • Publisher: SAS Institute
  • Publication Date:  October 4, 2019
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B07YL8DJV5
  • ISBN-10: 1629606332, 164295456X
  • ISBN-13: 9781629606330, 9781642954562

Original price was: $33.09.Current price is: $5.00.

Introduction to Biostatistics with JMP – eBook PDF

Exhibited in an easy-to-understand way, Introduction to Biostatistics with JMP® introduces undergraduate students in the biological sciences to the most frequently used (and misused) statistical methods that they will require to analyze their experimental data using JMP. It includes many of the fundamental topics in statistics using biological examples for exercises so that the student biologists can see the applicability to future work in the problems addressed.

The ebook starts by teaching students how to become confident in executing the right analysis by thinking like a statistician then transitions into the application of specific tests. Using the powerful capabilities of JMP, the ebook addresses problems requiring analysis by chi-square tests, t-tests, various regression models, ANOVA analysis, DOE, and survival analysis. Topics of specific interest to the biological or health science field include odds ratios, relative risk, and survival analysis.

The author uses an interesting, conversational tone to explain concepts and keep readers interested in learning more. The ebook aims to create bioscientists who can competently include statistics into their investigative toolkits to solve biological research questions as they arise.


“The author walks the audience through a concise introduction to JMP and basic statistical theory/application, eventually guiding them to more advanced and commonly used applications like regression and time series modeling.” — Deanna Schreiber-Gregory, Independent Consultant – Statistical Theory and Data Management “Juxdapoze” 

NOTE: The product only includes the ebook Introduction to Biostatistics with JMP in PDF. No access codes are included.


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