
Global Warming: Understanding the Forecast 2nd Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0470943410

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Global Warming: Understanding the Forecast 2nd Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0470943410
[PDF eBook eTextbook]

208 pages
Publisher: Wiley; 2 edition (September 21, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0470943416
ISBN-13: 978-0470943410

Based on the author’s highly successful undergraduate course taught at the University of Chicago, Global Warming presents the processes of climate change and climate stability. Drawing on a wide range of disciplines, this Second Edition not only summarizes scientific evidence, but also presents economic and political issues related to global warming.

About the Author

David Archer is the author of Global Warming: Understanding the Forecast, published by John Wiley and Sons and a book for popular audiences called The Long Thaw: How Humans are Changing the Next 100,000 years of the Earth’s Climate, published by Princeton University Press and winner of the 2009 Walter P. Kistler Award, The Foundation for the Future.

Since 1993, Archer has been a professor in the department of Geophysical Sciences at the University of Chicago and has worked on a wide range of topics pertaining to the global carbon cycle and its relation to the global climate, with a special focus on ocean sedimentary processes such as CaCO3 dissolution and methane hydrate formation and their impact on the evolution of atmospheric CO2.
He currently teaches classes on global warming, environmental chemistry and global geochemical cycles.

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