
EU Health Law and Policy: The Expansion of EU Power in Public Health and Health Care, ISBN-13: 978-0198788096

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EU Health Law and Policy: The Expansion of EU Power in Public Health and Health Care, ISBN-13: 978-0198788096

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Oxford University Press; 1st edition (April 7, 2019)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 256 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 0198788096
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-0198788096

Whether there is a public health need for the containment and response to swine flu, or an individual need to access health care across the border for a hip operation to alleviate pain, the EU has an increasingly powerful role in the field of human health. Health law and policy is deeply tied into fundamental rights, bioethics and values, with important implications for individuals. However, it is also an expansive area of economic regulation, of social and state arrangements. The growing role of the EU in human health law and policy is contested, particularly as it has implications for the fundamental rights and values that are enshrined in national health law and policy.

This book outlines, through case studies, how the expansion of EU power is taking place through law and policy, in both public health and health care. How is law and policy in the field of human health adopted, who are the institutional actors involved, and what is the impact of these developments for fundamental rights?

Table of Contents:

1. The Silent Revolution of EU Health Law and Policy

2. European Union Rights & Values in Human Health

3. EU ‘Public Health’ and ‘Health Care’ Law and Policy

4. Instititutional Build-up of EU Health Actors

5. EU Public Health: Countermeasures to Swine Flu

6. EU Health Care: Access to Medical Care

7. The Expansion of EU Power: Rights and Value Implications

Anniek de Ruijter is Assistant Professor European Law, at the University of Amsterdam. Her research interests lie at the intersection of European Union law and health law and policy. In this respect she focuses on constitutional questions regarding the EU role in human health and risk regulation.

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