
Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in Counseling 5th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0134061641

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Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in Counseling 5th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0134061641

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Pearson; 5th edition (December 31, 2019)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 528 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 0134061640
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-0134061641

This authoritative resource, written by two counseling professors—one an attorney and the other an expert in ethics—explores the most difficult ethical, legal, and professional challenges in counseling in an easy-to-understand manner. Ideal for instructors who do not specialize in the topics presented, and for students who are learning about the counseling profession, Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in Counseling includes numerous case studies throughout not only to highlight difficult situations faced by counselors, but also to give readers the benefit of the authors’ best thinking on how to resolve the dilemmas. The complex legal, ethical, and professional counseling issues are analyzed and discussed in a manner that allows counselors to resolve challenging situations as they arise in their practice. Included is practical advice on how to manage ethical and legal issues such as using technology and social media, counseling minors and vulnerable adults, counseling clients who may be suicidal or violent, responding to subpoenas; setting boundaries with clients, students, and supervisees serving as gatekeepers for the counseling profession; developing a private practice, responding to complaints, and practicing in a diversity-sensitive manner. The topics are relevant for school counselors, clinical mental health counselors, college counselors, rehabilitation counselors, marriage and family counselors, substance abuse counselors, and counselors who practice in other specialties.

Theodore P. Remley, Jr. is a professor and holds the Booth-Bricker Endowed Chair in Counseling at Our Lady of Holy Cross College in New Orleans, Louisiana.  In the past, he has coordinated counseling graduate programs at George Mason University, Mississippi State University, the University of New Orleans, and Old Dominion University.  He holds a Ph.D. in Counselor Education from the University of Florida, and a law degree (J.D.) from Catholic University in Washington, D.C.  He is licensed as a Professional Counselor in Virginia, Louisiana, and Mississippi, and is a member of the bar in Virginia and Florida.  Additionally, he is licensed as a Marriage and Family Therapist in Louisiana.  Dr. Remley has served on the counselor licensure boards in Virginia, Mississippi, the District of Columbia, and Louisiana, and chaired the boards in Virginia and Mississippi. Dr. Remley is co-author of Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in the Practice of Marriage and Family Therapy, Fifth Edition (Pearson, 2011), and is a co-editor of Ethical and Legal Issues in School Counseling, Third Edition (American School Counselor Association, 2011).  He has served as a school counselor, college counselor, U. S. Army officer, and has had a private practice in both counseling and law, and is a former Executive Director of the American Counseling Association.  Dr. Remley frequently takes counseling students and professionals to Italy where he is actively involved in professional counseling activities in that country. He also has also directed counselor study abroad institutes in Italy, Ireland, Bhutan, Argentina, and Malawi, Africa.

Barbara Herlihy is University Research Professor in the Counselor Education Program at the University of New Orleans. In the past, she has held faculty positions at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, the University of Houston-Clear Lake, and Loyola University of New Orleans. She earned her Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Northwestern University. A Licensed Professional Counselor and Board-Approved LPC Supervisor and a National Certified Counselor, Dr. Herlihy has served as a school counselor, community agency counselor, and counselor in private practice.  She is the co-author with Gerald Corey of the ACA Ethical Standards Casebook, Seventh Edition (2015), and Boundary Issues in Counseling, Third Edition (American Counseling Association, 2015). She is a past-Chair of the ACA Ethics Committee, and served as a member of the 2005 ACA Ethics Code Revision Taskforce. Author of numerous published articles and book chapters on the topics of ethical issues, diversity and social justice, and feminist therapy, Dr. Herlihy has presented workshops and seminars on ethical issues across the United States and internationally, most recently in Malta.

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