
Choices in Relationships (13th Edition)

eBook Details

  • Authors: David Knox, Caroline Schacht, I. Joyce Chang
  • File Size: 16 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 504 Pages
  • Publisher: SAGE Publications, Inc; 13th edition
  • Publication Date: December 10, 2019
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B082Z5R8PZ
  • ISBN-10: 1544379196, 1305094441, 1071807137, 1071807129
  • ISBN-13: 9781544379197, 9781305094444, 9781071807132, 9781071807125

Original price was: $81.20.Current price is: $13.00.

Choices in Relationships (13th Edition) – eBook PDF

Student-friendly and cutting edge, Choices in Relationships, 13th Edition, (PDF) takes readers through the lifespan of marriages, relationships, and families, and use research to help them make deliberate, informed choices in their interpersonal relationships. Authors Caroline Schacht, David Knox, and new co-author I. Joyce Chang draws on extensive research to challenge students to think critically about the choice-making process, consider the consequences involved with choices, view circumstances in a positive light, and comprehend that not making a choice is a choice after all. The comprehensively revised 13th Edition reflects the rapidly changing world with more than 700 new research citations, a new feature on how technology effects relationships, reviewed “Culture and Diversity” features that focus on how choices in relationships differ across different cultures, new and increased coverage of single and LGBTQIA individuals, and more.


Easy to involve a student learner, elaborate and insightful.” — Chara Doyle

Choices in Relationships is inclusive of the LGBTQIA experience and mindful of diversity.” — Heather Griffiths

Choices in Relationships 13e includes the first three levels of Bloom′s taxonomy of learning. Perfect for a 100-level course. A review of multiple, applicable areas in a college student′s life. This ebook is a backbone of knowledge for CDFS majors/minors.” — Dan Moen

Choices in Relationships 13th edition is a substantive textbook about relationships; it offera solid information about what students need to understand in terms of relationship theories, being proactive about their own relationship choices, and how to navigate contemporary relationships.” — Rhonda Buckley

NOTE: The product only includes the ebook, Choices in Relationships, 13th Edition, in PDF. No access codes are included.


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