Bioethical Controversies in Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery – eBook PDF
This title analyses the bioethical issues in congenital heart disease and other difficult pediatric cardiology and cardiac surgical situations. It offers considered opinions and recommendations as to the preferred actions to take in these cases, highlighting the importance of making informed decisions that are bioethically sound and doing so using considered reasoning of all the relevant sensitive matters.
Bioethical Controversies in Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, (ePub/PDF) offers detailed recommendations on possible solutions to make bioethical decisions in difficult clinical scenarios. There is a particular focus on controversies involving surgery for hypoplastic left heart syndrome, futility, autonomy, informed consent, genomics, and beneficence. It is aimed for use by a wide range of practitioners, including congenital heart surgeons, pediatric intensivists, nurse practitioners, pediatric cardiologists, physician’s assistants, and clinical ethicists.
NOTE: The product only includes the ebook, Bioethical Controversies in Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery in original ePub. A converted PDF is available on request. No access codes are included.
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