
An Introduction to Language (11th Edition)

eBook details

  • Authors: Victoria Fromkin, Robert Rodman, Nina Hyams
  • File Size: 183 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 624 pages
  • Publisher: Cengage Learning; 11th edition
  • Publication Date: January 1, 2018
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B078KT472Q
  • ISBN-10: 1337559571, 1337671274, 0357241169, 1337677434
  • ISBN-13: 9781337559577, 9781337671279, 9780357241165, 9781337677431

Original price was: $66.00.Current price is: $9.99.

An Introduction to Language (11th Edition) – eBook PDF:


Nina Hyams

Dr. Nina Hyams received her bachelor’s degree in journalism from Boston University in 1973 and her M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in linguistics from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York in 1981 and 1983, respectively. Nina joined the UCLA faculty in 1983, where she is currently professor of linguistics. Her main areas of research are childhood language development and syntax. Nina has also published numerous articles on the development of morphology, syntax, and semantics in children. She has been a visiting scholar at the University of Utrecht and the University of Leiden in the Netherlands and has given numerous lectures throughout Japan and Europe.

Robert Rodman

Dr. Robert Rodman received his bachelor’s degree in mathematics from the University of California, Los Angeles, in 1961, a master’s degree in mathematics in 1965, a master’s degree in linguistics in 1971, and a Ph.D. in linguistics in 1973. He was on the faculties of the University of California at Santa Cruz, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Kyoto Industrial College in Japan, and North Carolina State University. Rodman was also a novelist, his work published by Boson Books in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Dr. Robert Rodman passed away in January 2017, from complications related to Inclusion Body Myositis.

Victoria Fromkin

Dr. Victoria Fromkin was Professor of Linguistics and a member of the faculty of the University of California, Department of Linguistics from 1966 until her death in 2000. She served as its chair from 1972-1976. Professor Fromkin published more than 100 books, monographs and papers on topics concerned with phonology, phonetics, tone languages, speech errors, processing models, African languages, aphasia and the brain/mind/language interface.

An Introduction to Language (11th Edition) – eBook

One of the best ebooks in its class, An Introduction To Language 11th edition (PDF), offers an up-to-date look at language studies and linguistics in today’s complex world.

This product is modern and fresh, and includes new developments in linguistics and related fields that strengthen its appeal to a wider audience. At the same time, it maintains the acclaimed friendly, light, readable style and the breadth of coverage that has made it a perennial best-seller.

The authors examine grammatical subjects (e.g., syntax, morphology, phonetics, semantics, phonology), childhood language development and adult secondary language acquisition, and the tremendous leap in knowledge achieved in neurolinguistics.

NOTE: This sale only includes the ebook An Introduction to Language 11e in PDF. No access codes included.


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