The Laboratory Nonhuman Primate (2nd Edition) – eBook PDF
Comprehensively updated to include current literature, The Laboratory Nonhuman Primate, 2nd Edition, (PDF) continues to serve as a quick reference source for caretakers, technicians, researchers, veterinarians, and students working with primates in biomedical research. It offers details on basic husbandry and includes biological characteristics, regulatory compliance, common diseases, and anesthetic management.
The ebook gives easy-to-follow descriptions of basic technical procedures including restraint, intubation, tuberculin skin testing, and collection of urine and blood samples. It also analyses advanced sampling procedures including a collection of bone marrow, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, and rectal mucosal biopsy. The Laboratory Nonhuman Primate includes information in a concise, clear format to allow readers to include concepts and techniques into the standard operating procedures of a facility.
Key features
- Provides step-by-step descriptions of common and advanced sampling techniques
- Includes 28 updated tables designed as quick, easy-to-use references for New and Old World species
- Gives a brief overview of regulatory considerations for the use of nonhuman primates in biomedical research
- Incorporates extensive resource lists for vendors of animals, feed, sanitation supplies, caging, anesthetic equipment, and veterinary and research supplies
- Describes the Veterinary Care chapter to include new sections on nutritional support, dental care, behavioral conditions, and updated information on analgesic and anesthetic drugs
- Provides more than 100 photographs and illustrations, most now in color, depicting aspects of nonhuman primate biology, management practices, behavior, diseases, and technical procedures
NOTE: The product only includes The Laboratory Nonhuman Primate, 2nd Edition in PDF. No access codes are included.
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