
Sociology Unlocked (2020)

eBook details

  • Authors: Sara Cumming
  • File Size: 15 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 458 Pages
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press (Feb. 10 2020)
  • Publication Date: Feb. 10 2020
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0199031010
  • ISBN-13: 9780199031016

Original price was: $101.22.Current price is: $14.00.

Sociology Unlocked (2020) – eBook PDF

Authentic. Applied. Accessible for all. Your key to unlocking sociology. This engaging new introduction presents sociological concepts in easy-to-understand, relatable, and practical terms – with just the right amount of depth. Featuring an authentic narrative writing style, real-world examples and activities, and extensive pedagogical tools, Sociology Unlocked is your students’ key to understanding sociology.


“This textbook is interactive and takes an applied approach to teaching introduction to sociology. The content is thorough, yet formatted in a way that makes learning enjoyable for students.” ―Peter Laurie, Fleming College

“This is the textbook I think we’ve been looking for – it is current, engaging, and genuinely interactive. The best feature is how it depicts sociology as relevant and important for students.” ―Krista Robson, Red Deer College

“It is not the stodgy kind of textbook that is usually written for this course. We are trying to get students interested in the discipline and cognizant of sociology in their everyday lives. This book helps to achieve those two things.” ―Thomas Groulx, St. Clair College

“[Cumming is] a comprehensive Introduction to Sociology textbook that is written in very accessible language for college students, with relevant examples and a catchy design.” ―Joel Casseus, Vanier College

About the Author

Sara Cumming is a professor of sociology at Sheridan College and is the co-chair of Applied Sociology in Canada, a research cluster under the Canadian Sociological Association. Her primary research interest is in the area of gender and social inequality, focusing particularly on social assistance, subsidized housing, subsidized childcare, and student loan programs. Dr. Cumming’s most recent research grant is a collaboration with Dr. Michael McNamara which relies on qualitative research and creative problem solving to help community partners produce new, creative, and fundable projects aimed at ameliorating hardships for Halton’s vulnerable populations. She has also taken on the role of executive director for the nonprofit Home Suite Hope, a program offering long-term housing for lone mother-led families experiencing homelessness in Halton region.
NOTE: The product only includes the eBook Sociology Unlocked 1e in PDF. No access codes are included.


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