
Social Groups in Action and Interaction 2nd Edition Charles Stangor, ISBN-13: 978-1848726925

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Social Groups in Action and Interaction 2nd Edition by Charles Stangor, ISBN-13: 978-1848726925

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Routledge; 2nd edition (November 10, 2015)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 454 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 1848726929
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1848726925

Social Groups in Action and Interaction reviews and analyzes the human group as it operates to create both social good and, potentially, social harm. It summarizes current knowledge and contemporary research, with real-world examples in succinct yet engaging chapters, to help students understand and predict group behavior. Unlike other texts, the book considers a wide range of topics―such as conformity, leadership, task performance, social identity, prejudice, and discrimination―from both an intragroup and an intergroup perspective. By looking at behavior both within and between groups, it bridges the gap between these interconnected approaches.

The second edition is thoroughly updated to include new discussion of the biology and neuroscience of group formation, recent developments in social identity theory, and recent advances in the study of social networks. It also includes questions for review and discussion in the classroom.

It provides the most comprehensive and essential resource for courses on group dynamics and behavior.

Table of Contents:

Defining the Social Group.

Studying Groups Scientifically.

Groups and Their Functions.

Social Influence.

Social Categorization.

Group Development and Structure.

Power and Leadership.

Group Decision Making.

Group Performance and Productivity.

Effective Working Groups.

Cultures, Social Change, and Crowds.

Cooperation and Conflict Within Groups.

Cooperation and Conflict Between Groups.

Charles Stangor is Professor of Psychology at the University of Maryland, College Park. His principal research interests concern the development of stereotypes and prejudice, and their influences upon individuals who are potential victims of discrimination. He has published seven books and over 70 research articles and book chapters, and has served as an associate editor of the European Journal of Social Psychology. Dr. Stangor is the recipient of research grants from the National Institute of Mental Health and from the National Science Foundation. He is a charter fellow of the American Psychological Society, and has served as Executive Officer for the Society for Experimental Social Psychology.

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