Sentencing: A Social Process: Re-thinking Research and Policy – eBook PDF
Tata’s Sentencing: A Social Process, (PDF) asks how we should make sense of sentencing when, despite huge efforts worldwide to analyze, critique, and reform it, it remains an enigma. Sentencing: A Social Process shows how both research and policy-thinking about sentencing are confined by a paradigm that presumes autonomous individualism, predicting an artificial image of sentencing practices and policy potential. By conceiving of sentencing instead as a social process, the ebook advances new policy and research agendas. Sentencing: A Social Process: Re-thinking Research and Policy offers innovative solutions to classic conundrums, including: rules versus discretion; aggravating versus mitigating factors; punishment versus rehabilitation; individualisation versus consistency; efficient technologies versus the quality of justice; and ways of reducing imprisonment.
“An invitation to rethink existing orthodoxies and to widen the scope of academic writing and thinking about the nature of sentencing. … it is extremely approachable, and deserves to be widely read.” — David Hayes, Punishment & Society, August 26, 2020
“Tata’s ebook is persuasively and beautifully written. It is well-structured and clear, and both challenging and informative. It is an inspiring piece of work, and ought to be read and enjoyed both by academics and by reflective sentencing professionals from the therapeutic and legal professions.” — Ester Blay, Journal of Law and Society. Vol. 48 (1), March, 2021
“Sentencing: A Social Process Re-thinking Research and Policy, provides a convincing critique of contemporary sentencing research and policy literatures. Eloquently and eruditely written … . Tata’s (2020) ebook makes an impressive contribution to the present state of literature in sentencing research and policy is a must-read for anyone interested in sentencing decision-making.” — Niamh Maguire, Probation Journal, Vol. 68 (2), June, 2021
NOTE: The product only includes the ebook, Sentencing: A Social Process in PDF. No access codes are included.
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