
Research Design in Clinical Psychology 5th Edition Alan E. Kazdin, ISBN-13: 978-1108995214

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Research Design in Clinical Psychology 5th Edition by Alan E. Kazdin, ISBN-13: 978-1108995214

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Cambridge University Press; 5th edition (August 5, 2021)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 584 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 1108995217
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1108995214

A thorough guide to research design from a world-renowned clinical and child psychologist.

Research Design in Clinical Psychology helps students to achieve a thorough understanding of the entire research process – developing the idea, selecting methods, analyzing the results, and preparing the written scientific report. Drawing examples from clinical research, health, and medicine, author Alan E. Kazdin offers detailed coverage of experimental design, assessment, data evaluation and interpretation, case-control and cohort designs, and qualitative research methods. In addition to new pedagogical tools that guide students through the text, the Fifth Edition offers expanded coverage of key topic areas, such as cultural issues, scientific integrity, and recent changes in the publication and communication of research.

Table of Contents:

1 Introduction 1
2 Internal and External Validity 15
3 Construct and Data-Evaluation
Validity 49
4 Ideas that Begin the Research
Process 78
5 Experimental Research Using
Group Designs 111
6 Control and Comparison Groups 139
7 Case-Control and Cohort
Designs 162
8 Single-Case Experimental
Research Designs 192
9 Qualitative Research Methods 224
10 Selecting Measures for
Research 246
11 Assessment: Types of Measures
and Their Use 272
12 Special Topics of Assessment 299
13 Null Hypothesis Significance
Testing 325
14 Presenting and Analyzing the
Data 344
15 Cautions, Negative Effects, and
Replication 370
16 Ethical Issues and Guidelines
for Research 400
17 Scientific Integrity 431
18 Communication of Research
Findings 459
19 Methodology: Constantly
Evolving along with Advances
in Science 481

Alan E. Kazdin is Sterling Professor of Psychology and Professor of Child Psychiatry at Yale University, as well as Director of the Yale Parenting Center. Kazdin’s 700+ publications include over 50 books that focus on methodology, interventions for children and adolescents, parenting and child rearing, cognitive-behavioral treatment, and interpersonal violence. He has served as editor of six professional journals, and is a past president of the American Psychological Association.

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