
Psychiatry at a Glance 6th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1119129677

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Psychiatry at a Glance 6th Edition by Cornelius Katona, ISBN-13: 978-1119129677
[PDF eBook eTextbook]

Series: At a Glance
144 pages
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 6 edition (December 21, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1119129672
ISBN-13: 978-1119129677

Psychiatry at a Glance is an up-to-date, accessible introductory and study text for all students of psychiatry. It presents ‘need-to-know’ information on the basic science, treatment, and management of the major disorders, and helps you develop your skills in history taking and performing the Mental State Examination (MSE).

This new edition features:

• Thoroughly updated content to reflect new research, the DSM 5 classification and NICE guidelines
• All the information required, including practice questions, for the written Psychiatry exams
• Extensive self-assessment material, including Extending Matching Questions, Single Best Answer questions, and sample OSCE stations, to reinforce knowledge learnt
• A companion website at featuring interactive case studies and downloadable illustrations

Psychiatry at a Glance will appeal to medical students, junior doctors and psychiatry trainees, as well as nursing students and other health professionals and is the ideal companion for anyone about to start a psychiatric attachment or module.

About the Author

Cornelius Katona is Honorary Professor in the Department of Mental and Health Sciences, University College London, and Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist, Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust.

Claudia Cooper is Senior Lecturer in Old Age Psychiatry, University College London, and Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist, Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust.

Mary Robertson is Emeritus Professor in Neuropsychiatry, University College London, and Visiting Professor and Honorary Consultant, St George’s Hospital and Medical School, London.

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