
Microscale Organic Laboratory with Multistep and Multiscale Syntheses 6th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1118083406

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Microscale Organic Laboratory with Multistep and Multiscale Syntheses 6th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1118083406
[PDF eBook eTextbook]

640 pages
Publisher: Wiley; 6 edition (December 24, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1118083407
ISBN-13: 978-1118083406

This is a laboratory text for the mainstream organic chemistry course taught at both two and four year schools, featuring both microscale experiments and options for scaling up appropriate experiments for use in the macroscale lab. It provides complete coverage of organic laboratory experiments and techniques with a strong emphasis on modern laboratory instrumentation, a sharp focus on safety in the lab, thorough Discussion sections which provide chemical context for each experiment, and multi-step experiments. Notable enhancements to this new edition include a greater focus on the implementation of greener processes (including microwave use) to perform traditional experimentation, and movement of material to the text web site, to further streamline the text.

About the Author

Dana W. Mayo holds the Charles Weston Pickard Research Professor of Chemistry Chair at Bowdoin College.During the summers of 1960-1971 he co-directed with Professor R.C. Lord one-week Summer Courses on the Technique and Applications of Infrared Spectroscopy at MIT. From 1972-81 he continued to co-direct these programs at Bowdoin College and became Director in 1982.

Ronald M. Pike is the author of Microscale Organic Laboratory with Multistep and Multiscale Syntheses.

David C. Forbes is the author of Microscale Organic Laboratory with Multistep and Multiscale Syntheses.

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