
Laboratory Manual for Exercise Physiology (2nd Edition)

eBook details

  • Authors: G. Greg Haff, Charles Dumkeby
  • File Size: 18 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 433 Pages
  • Publisher: Human Kinetics; 2nd edition
  • Publication Date: September 19, 2017
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B07B9H3FQ5
  • ISBN-10: 1492536946, 1492563412, 1492580937
  • ISBN-13: 9781492536949, 9781492563419, 9781492580935

Original price was: $75.59.Current price is: $10.00.

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Laboratory Manual for Exercise Physiology (2nd Edition) – eBook PDF

Laboratory Manual for Exercise Physiology, 2nd Edition with Web Study Guide, offers guided opportunities for students to convert their scientific understanding of exercise physiology into practical applications in a number of settings. Written by experts Charles Dumke and G. Gregory Haff, the ebook builds upon the popularity of the first edition with full-color images and the inclusion of several new interactive lab activities in the web study guide.

The revised second edition includes 16 laboratory chapters that provide a total of 49 lab activities. Every laboratory chapter provides a complete lesson, including objectives, definitions of key terms, and background information that establishes the stage for learning. Each lab activity provides step-by-step procedures, offering guidance for those new to lab settings so that they may complete the processes. New elements in this edition include the following:

  • Full-color printing throughout
  • An appendix that helps calculate the oxygen cost of walking, running, and cycling
  • An entirely new laboratory chapter on high-intensity fitness training that contains several famous intermittent fitness tests that students can learn to perform and understand
  • An updated web study guide that includes 10 interactive lab activities to improve student learning, including a video that assists simulate the experience of performing the labs in the real world

Moreover, Laboratory Manual for Exercise Physiology, Second Edition, (PDF) is comprehensively updated, offering the following:

  • Current norms and standards
  • Case studies to show laboratory concepts
  • Answers to the case studies to ease student learning
  • New information and research related to each laboratory topic
  • A lab activity finder that makes it simple to recognize specific tests
  • Question sets to assist students better understand laboratory concepts

The web study guide for students offers lab activities with an improved learning experience. By this portal, students and instructors can access electronic versions of group datasheets, individual data sheets, question sets, 10 interactive lab activities, and case studies and their answers. Instructors also get access to an image bank, which includes most of the tables, figures, and photos from the ebook.

Organized in a logical progression, the ebook builds upon the knowledge students get as they advance. Moreover, the text provides multiple lab activities and contains an equipment list at the start of each activity, allowing instructors flexibility in selecting the lab activities that will best work in their facility.

Laboratory Manual for Exercise Physiology 2e with Web Study Guide exposes college students to a wide expanse of tests that are usually performed in an exercise physiology lab and that can be implemented in a variety of professional settings. As such, the textbook works as a high-quality resource for basic laboratory testing procedures used in evaluating human performance, health, and wellness.

NOTE: The product only includes the ebook Laboratory Manual for Exercise Physiology, 2ndEdition in PDF. No access codes are included.




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