
Interfacial Supramolecular Assemblies 1st Edition Johannes G. Vos, ISBN-13: 978-0471490715

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Interfacial Supramolecular Assemblies 1st Edition by Johannes G. Vos, ISBN-13: 978-0471490715

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Wiley; 1st edition (March 14, 2003)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 408 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 9780471490715
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-0471490715

The field of molecular electronics ranges from well-defined and well-understood phenomena such as non-linear optical responses, to the tantalizing and conceptually difficult areas of computing and information storage at the molecular level.

Supramolecular assemblies, constructed using single electro- or photoactive molecules as building blocks, offer a striking way to create materials whose organized architecture makes them suitable for developing molecular electronic devices. To achieve this objective, one must not only be able to direct the fabrication of the assembly and characterize it fully, it is also important to be able to address the nanoscopic structure, i.e., to connect the everyday macroscopic and nanoscopic worlds. The best approach to realizing this key objective is to use solid surfaces as platforms.

This book describes the properties of supramolecular assemblies that are constructed on solid platforms but where the properties of the support play a very significant role in the overall properties of the system, i.e., its distinct functions can no longer be assigned to the molecular components and the platform on which it is assembled.

In a novel, highly integrated manner, this book describes:

  • Fabrication and characterization of interfacial supramolecular assemblies
  • Properties and functions of suitable platforms
  • Issues of electronic and photonic addressability
  • Modes of communication and devices such as molecular wires
  • Optoelectronic gates
  • Chemosensors developed with this innovat ive approach

This book will be of interest to researchers, final year undergraduates and postgraduates in the areas of supramolecular chemistry, photophysics, electrochemistry and functional materials.

Robert J. Forster is the author of Interfacial Supramolecular Assemblies, published by Wiley.

Tia E. Keyes is the author of Interfacial Supramolecular Assemblies, published by Wiley.

Johannes G. Vos is the author of Interfacial Supramolecular Assemblies, published by Wiley.

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