
Integrated Approach to Coordination Chemistry Rosemary A. Marusak, ISBN-13: 978-0471464839

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Integrated Approach to Coordination Chemistry by Rosemary A. Marusak, ISBN-13: 978-0471464839

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Wiley-Interscience; 1st edition (April 13, 2007)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 288 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 047146483X
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-0471464839

Coordination chemistry is the study of compounds formed between metal ions and other neutral or negatively charged molecules.

This book offers a series of investigative inorganic laboratories approached through systematic coordination chemistry. It not only highlights the key fundamental components of the coordination chemistry field, it also exemplifies the historical development of concepts in the field.

In order to graduate as a chemistry major that fills the requirements of the American Chemical Society, a student needs to take a laboratory course in inorganic chemistry. Most professors who teach and inorganic chemistry laboratory prefer to emphasize coordination chemistry rather than attempting to cover all aspects of inorganic chemistry; because it keeps the students focused on a cohesive part of inorganic chemistry, which has applications in medicine, the environment, molecular biology, organic synthesis, and inorganic materials.

This book offers a series of investigative inorganic laboratory exercises approached through systematic coordination chemistry. After an introduction that provides an overview of complex coordination concepts, Integrated Approach to Coordination Chemistry: An Inorganic Laboratory Guide leads readers on a progressive, graduated exploration of experimentation in the inorganic field.

– Core chapters cover: inorganic synthesis and quantitative analysis; molecular structure; substitution kinetics; and electron transfer reactions

– Advanced topics emphasize major applications of coordination complexes that have emerged over the past several decades: metals in medicine, the environment, molecular biology, and organic synthesis

– Each chapter features a project overview, at least five related experiments, and detailed references for further study

– The book conveys the historical development of coordination chemistry via experiment sets

This guide includes experiments appropriate for college students at all levels, including graduate students. While they get a concise review of coordination chemistry, students also grasp the fundamentals of investigative techniques. An excellent lab manual, this is also ideal for students in bioinorganic chemistry and instrumental analysis. A complementary Instructor’s Manual helps instructors plan, develop, and customize courses.

Rosemary A. Marusak is former chair of the Chemistry Department and cochair of the Biochemistry/Molecular Biology Program at Kenyon College. She is completing a degree in veterinary medicine at Michigan State and is a research associate in the CVM-MSU Equine Foot Laboratory where she conducts cell biology and molecular biology research investigating diseases of the equine foot.

Kate Doan, a former assistant professor of chemistry at Kenyon College, is currently pursuing master’s degrees in science education and mathematics education at the University of Minnesota.

Scott D. Cummings, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Chemistry at Kenyon College.

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