
How Economics Should Be Done: Essays on the Art and Craft of Economics

eBook details

  • Authors: David C. Colander, Huei-Chun Su
  • File Size: 58 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 296 Pages
  • Publisher: Edward Elgar Pub
  • Publication Date: January 25, 2019
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1788979923, 1786435896
  • ISBN-13: 9781788979924, 9781786435897

Original price was: $47.95.Current price is: $7.00.

How Economics Should Be Done: Essays on the Art and Craft of Economics – eBook PDF

David C. Colander has been writing about economic methodology for over 30 years. Applied policy methodology, in his opinion, should be based on what economists actually do, not on what methodologists think they should do. It sees applied policy technique as growing at a breakneck pace as analytic and computational technology advances, far too quickly to be subjected to any fixed scientific approach.

The issue is that most economists consider applied policy analysis to be a science. Using a scientific methodology to drive applied policy, according to Colander, weakens competent policy analysis. Instead, he believes economists should employ a more flexible engineering process that incorporates science, unavoidable moral judgments, heuristics, and creativity into what he refers to as the “art and craft of economics.” Huei-Chun Su has chosen seventeen of Colander’s publications that explain and convey his views on multiple levels, including some formal academic papers dealing with cutting-edge research and some more popular articles making the case for his approach. An original introduction and annotated bibliography are great resources for digging deeper into his points.

The ebook How Economics Should Be Done (PDF) is approachable and suited for anybody interested in the current and future condition of economics and the economics profession. It is clear, well-structured, and written in plain English with little jargon. This comprises undergraduate and graduate students, as well as applied economists, methodologists, historians, and current economics critics.

Additional ISBNs: 978-1788979924

NOTE: This sale only includes the ebook How Economics Should Be Done: Essays on the Art and Craft of Economics in PDF. No access codes included.


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