Genetic Association Studies: Background, Conduct, Analysis, Interpretation – eBook PDF
Genetic Association Studies (PDF) is designed for students of public health, epidemiology, and the health sciences, including the main principles of molecular genetics, medical genetics, population genetics, epidemiology, and statistics. It provides a balanced view of genetic associations with coverage of candidate gene studies along with genome-wide association studies. All features of a genetic association study are included, from the lab to analysis and interpretation of results, but also bioinformatics approaches to causality assessment. The part of the environment in genetic disease is also highlighted. Genetic Association Studies: Background, Conduct, Analysis, Interpretation will allow readers to understand and critique genetic association studies and set them on the way to designing, executing, evaluating, interpreting, and reporting their own.
NOTE: The product only includes the ebook Genetic Association Studies in PDF. No access codes are included.
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