
Deep Learning with Python 2nd Edition François Chollet, ISBN-13: 978-1617296864

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Deep Learning with Python 2nd Edition by François Chollet, ISBN-13: 978-1617296864

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Manning Publications; 2nd edition (October 26, 2021)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 400 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 1617296864
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1617296864

In Deep Learning with Python, Second Edition, updated from the original bestseller with over 50% new content, you’ll explore challenging concepts and practice applications in computer vision, natural-language processing, and generative models, building your understanding through practical examples and intuitive explanations that make the complexities of deep learning easily accessible.

The bestseller revised! Deep Learning with Python, Second Edition is a comprehensive introduction to the field of deep learning using Python and the powerful Keras library, written by the creator of Keras himself. This revised edition has been updated with new chapters, new tools, and cutting-edge techniques drawn from the latest research.

Deep Learning with Python introduces the field of deep learning using the Python language and the powerful Keras library. Written by Keras creator and Google AI researcher François Chollet, this book builds your understanding through intuitive explanations and practical examples.

About the Technology

Machine learning has made remarkable progress in recent years. We went from near-unusable speech and image recognition, to near-human accuracy. We went from machines that couldn’t beat a serious Go player, to defeating a world champion. Behind this progress is deep learning—a combination of engineering advances, best practices, and theory that enables a wealth of previously impossible smart applications.

What’s Inside

  • Deep learning from first principles
  • Setting up your own deep-learning environment
  • Image-classification models
  • Deep learning for text and sequences
  • Neural style transfer, text generation, and image generation

François Chollet works on deep learning at Google in Mountain View, CA. He is the creator of the Keras deep-learning library, as well as a contributor to the TensorFlow machine-learning framework. He also does AI research, with a focus on abstraction and reasoning. His papers have been published at major conferences in the field, including the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), the Conference and Workshop on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), the International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), and others.

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