
Botany for Gardeners 3rd Edition Brian Capon, ISBN-13: 978-1604690958

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Botany for Gardeners 3rd Edition by Brian Capon, ISBN-13: 978-1604690958
[PDF eBook eTextbook]

268 pages
Publisher: Timber Press; 3rd edition (May 21, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 160469095X
ISBN-13: 978-1604690958

“An outstanding and enjoyable introduction to botany, whether the reader is a gardener, or just a garden visitor.” —Bloomsbury Review

Botany for Gardeners offers a clear explanation of how plants grow.

What happens inside a seed after it is planted? How are plants structured? How do plants reproduce? The answers to these and other questions about complex plant processes can be found in the bestselling Botany for Gardeners. Written in accessible language, this must-have guide allows gardeners and horticulturists to understand plants from the plant’s point of view. Now in its third edition, Botany for Gardeners has now been expanded and updated, and includes an appendix on plant taxonomy, a comprehensive index, and dozens of new photos and illustrations.

About the Author

A native of Cheshire, England, Brian Capon received a Ph.D. in botany from the University of Chicago. For thirty years he was a professor of botany at California State University, Los Angeles. He is the author of Plant Survival: Adapting to a Hostile World, also published by Timber Press.

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