Bent-Shaped Liquid Crystals: Structures and Physical Properties – eBook PDF
Bent-Shaped Liquid Crystals: Structures and Physical Properties (PDF) offers insight into the recent developments in the research on liquid crystals formed by bent-shaped mesogens. After a historical introduction, the expert authors discuss various kinds of mesophase structures formed by bent-shaped molecules. This ebook Bent-Shaped Liquid Crystals dedicates most of its pages to physical properties such as polar switching, optics and non-linear optics, and behavior in restricted geometries. Although, as chemistry is often highly related to the emergence of new phases, especially with reflection symmetry breaking, it also includes a broad spectrum of interesting chemistry viewpoints.
NOTE: The product only includes the ebook, Bent-Shaped Liquid Crystals: Structures and Physical Properties in PDF. No access codes are included.
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