Microeconomics (21st Edition) – McConnell/Brue/Flynn – eBook PDF
McConnell/Brue/Flynn has long set the benchmark for providing high-quality content to students and instructors alike. With the 21st edition, we’ve pushed the envelope by providing adaptive and dynamic learning tools through Connect® and SmartBook®. We also understand that teachers teach macro in different ways and to meet that need we’ve provided a two-path macro approach to give staff flexibility to cover the AD/AS or the Keynesian model. Our concise step-by-step approach provides students with a building block method to learning economics where the authors are patient in explaining the models and theory thoroughly before jumping ahead. Brue/McConnell/Flynn’s Microeconomics, 21st edition, (PDF) is comprehensive, analytical, and challenging yet fully accessible to a broad range of students. We now have an expanded and improved Connect Economics platform that provides a host of tutorial Videos and engaging Interactive Graphing questions featuring real data.
NOTE: The product only includes the McConnell/Brue/Flynn‘s Microeconomics, 21st Edition in PDF. No access codes are included.
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