
Contract Law in Focus by Michael B. Kelly, ISBN-13: 978-1454878506

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Contract Law in Focus by Michael B. Kelly, ISBN-13: 978-1454878506

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Aspen Publishing (September 16, 2016)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 882 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 1454878509
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1454878506

Providing a comprehensive, practice-oriented approach to the legal and practical aspects of contract law, Contract Law In Focus offers realworld scenarios throughout give students numerous opportunities to apply and solidify their understanding of important concepts. Clear explanatory text, Case Previews, and Case Follow-ups further clarify the doctrine and aid in student understanding. This text begins with a helpful introduction to the study of contract law, providing basic information about the way contracts are governed in the United States. It then introduces formation of contracts, covering offer, acceptance, consideration, and exceptions to consideration. The casebook moves on to provide clear and comprehensive discussions of defenses, excuses, and remedies for breach. By effectively synthesizing the statutory law, common law, relevant rules, and secondary sources, while offering a focus on understanding contract law — as it developed in the past, exists today, and will evolve in the future — the authors have created an indispensable guide for students learning contract law.

Table of Contents:

Table of Contents
The Focus Casebook Series
Introduction to the Study of Contracts
Chapter 1. Introduction to Contract Doctrine
Chapter 2. Offer and Definiteness
Chapter 3. Acceptance
Chapter 4. Consideration
Chapter 5. Exceptions to Consideration
Chapter 6. Contract Defenses — Vulnerable Parties
Chapter 7. Poor Information: Misrepresentation and Mistake
Chapter 8. Contract Defenses — Policy Constraints
Chapter 9. Interpretation
Chapter 10. Implied Terms
Chapter 11. Conditions and Material Breach
Chapter 12. UCC Perfect Tender, Repudiation, and Insecurity
Chapter 13. Excusing Performance
Chapter 14. Third-Party Rights and Duties
Chapter 15. Damages
Chapter 16. Equitable Remedies
Table of Cases
Table of Restatements, Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), and
UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods

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