
Modern Pharmaceutical Industry: A Primer Thomas M. Jacobsen, ISBN-13: 978-0763766368

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Modern Pharmaceutical Industry: A Primer by Thomas M. Jacobsen, ISBN-13: 978-0763766368

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Jones & Bartlett Learning; 1st edition (June 19, 2009)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 320 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 0763766364
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-0763766368

Modern Pharmaceutical Industry: A Primer comprehensively explains the broad range of divisions in the complex pharmaceutical industry. Experts actively involved in each component discuss their own contribution to a pharmaceutical company’s work and success. Divisions include regulatory affairs, research and development, intellectual property, pricing, marketing, generics, OTC, and more. The seventeen chapters included in this resource offer a wide range of topics, from discovery and formulation to post-approval and legal. Readers will be given a detailed look at the structure of a contemporary drug company and a thorough understanding of what goes on behind the scenes.

Modern Pharmaceutical Industry: A Primer is a valuable resource for all pharmacy students, new hires at pharmaceutical companies, drug company management, and academic health center libraries. No other text provides a comprehensive look at one of the most dynamic industries related to the modern healthcare system.

THOMAS M. JACOBSEN, PharmD, MS, RPh, has more than 15 years of industry experience in the areas of medical affairs, clinical research, regulatory affairs, microbiology, and analytical chemistry. In addition to his industry experience, Dr. Jacobsen has taught at the School of Pharmacy at Temple University and at the University of Pennsylvania. He completed his postdoctoral training at Temple University’s Schools of Medicine and Pharmacy in infectious diseases and pulmonary/critical care medicine. Dr. Jacobsen lives in suburban Philadelphia with his wife and three children.

ALBERT I. WERTHEIMER, PhD, MBA, is a professor at the School of Pharmacy at Temple University and director of its Pharmaceutical Health Services Research Center. He is a former director of outcomes research and management at Merck and Company and a former vice president of First Health Services, a pharmacy benefit management firm. Previously, he held academic positions at the State University of New York at Buffalo and at the University of Minnesota. Dr. Wertheimer has served as a consultant or invited lecturer in more than 50 countries, and he is the author or editor of 25 books and nearly 400 scientific or professional journal articles.

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