
Quality Improvement: A Guide for Integration in Nursing 2nd Edition Anita Finkelman, ISBN-13: 978-1284206531

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Quality Improvement: A Guide for Integration in Nursing 2nd Edition by Anita Finkelman, ISBN-13: 978-1284206531

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2nd edition (December 23, 2020)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 500 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 128420653X
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1284206531

Quality Improvement: A Guide for Integration in Nursing, Second Edition is an integral resource for both nursing students and professionals. Quality improvement is a crucial part of healthcare and one that nurses are charged with implementing daily as they care for patients. This text is completely focused on teaching the importance of QI through patient care and error reduction. It also reinforces the concept that nurses in all positions and healthcare settings must understand how QI works as well as how to integrate it into their daily work to create and maintain a culture of safety. Quality Improvement A Guide for Integration in Nursing, Second Edition can be used broadly across nursing degree programs and professional practice. It outlines the foundation for quality improvement and features new advanced practice content applicable for APNs and DNPs by moving beyond the basics throughout each chapter. In addition, the author will release monthly QI-related content via the Navigate Companion Website to keep up with current trends and literature findings.

Key Features: New QI responsibilities section in each chapter will show how to apply QI content for three roles: staff nurse, nurse manager, and advanced practice nurse/DNP Apply CQI section at the end of each chapter includes activities, exemplars, and evolving case studies to encourage further critical thinking Monthly content updates covering the latest quality improvement news and literature “Engaging Students in Quality Improvement” faculty teaching/learning strategies.

Anita Finkelman, MSN, RN is a nurse educator and consultant.She is currently a visiting lecturer at the Recanati School for Community Health Professions at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.Previously, she served as visiting faculty at the School of Nursing Bouvé College of Health Sciences Northeastern University and was chair for the Northeastern School of Nursing CCNE Self-Study Task Force.Some of her past positions include Assistant Clinical Professor of Nursing at University of Oklahoma College of Nursing where she taught undergraduate and graduate nursing research online, served as course coordinator for undergraduate nursing research, and was awarded a VA Nursing Academy program grant to develop a special undergraduate long-term experience at the VA and develop a summer internship and a post-graduate nurse residency program. At the University of Cincinnati she was Associate Clinical Professor and also Director of the Undergraduate Program. She has managed several projects to migrate nursing curriculum to distance learning. Her BSN is from TCU Harris College of Nursing, master’s degree in psychiatric-mental health nursing/clinical specialist from Yale University. She completed post-master’s graduate work in healthcare policy and administration at George Washington University with additional health policy work as a fellow at the Health Policy Institute, George Mason University. Her experience of thirty-five plus years includes clinical, educational, and administrative positions, and considerable experience with curriculum, developing distance learning programs and other online products related to simulation learning, and teaching online, She has also served as Director of Staff Education for two acute care hospitals and as Director of Continuing Education at the University of Cincinnati College of Nursing. As a consultant Ms. Finkelman works in the areas of curriculum particularly with emphasis on Institute of Medicine core competencies, teaching strategies, distance education, and healthcare administration. She has authored many books, journal articles, served on editorial boards, and currently is on the editorial board for Home Healthcare Nurse. She has lectured on administration, health policy, nursing education, and psychiatric-mental health nursing, both nationally and internationally, particularly in Israel for Ben Gurion University where she collaborates annually with nursing faculty. She serves as a consultant to publishers and healthcare organizations in areas of distance education and product development. Her most recent textbooks include this textbook, Professional Nursing Concepts: Competencies for Quality Leadership, Teaching IOM: Implications of the Institute of Medicine Reports for Nursing Education (ANA, 2012, 3rd. Ed.) and the second volume Learning IOM for students, Leadership and Management for Nurses (2012; Pearson Education, 2nd Ed.), and Case Management for Nurses (Pearson Education, 2011). Her book Teaching IOM and its second volume have been best sellers, and the first two editions have won awards from the Society for Technical Communication, Washington, D.C. (2008 and 2010). The third edition was awarded an AJN Book Award in 2012 for Learning IOM, the second volume. She has presented workshops across the country focusing on this book for nurse educators, presenting at U.S. and international nursing conferences.

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