
Quick Review Cards for Medical Laboratory Science 2nd Edition Valerie Dietz Polansky, ISBN-13: 978-0803629561

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Quick Review Cards for Medical Laboratory Science 2nd Edition by Valerie Dietz Polansky, ISBN-13: 978-0803629561

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ F.A. Davis Company; Second edition (April 21, 2014)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 618 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 0803629567
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-0803629561

Quick Review Cards for Medical Laboratory Science were developed as a study aid to improve student performance on Board examinations in medical laboratory science (medical technology) at both the technician and technologist levels. (Technician candidates may skip the section on management and education.)

This card deck is the product of more than 30 years of experience teaching hundreds of students who have successfully passed Board examinations at both levels. The card format allows for easy sorting and portability, making them ideal for quick reviews and last-minute studying. Use of these cards alone, however, does not guarantee a passing score; they are intended to be used as an adjunct to traditional textbooks. Students are encouraged to highlight unfamiliar information and to refer to textbooks and class notes to supplement their study of those topics. The use of a multiple-choice review book and practice exams also will help to round out a student’s preparation for the Board exam.

The review cards will also be beneficial to MSL and MLT students before graduation as they prepare for course examinations. Professionals who are cross-training or reentering the workplace will find these cards useful as well. No review of this type can include all topics. This review focuses on common procedures and disorders, other knowledge that entry-level laboratory professionals are expected to have, and topics that are frequently included on Board exams. The review cards are written in an informal note-taking style, using abbreviations, symbols, and short phrases to maximize the amount of information included. A list of abbreviations is found in the frontmatter.

New to the second edition are a chapter on molecular diagnostics and graphics for select topics. Space did not allow for inclusion of drawings of all cells/organisms. Students are encouraged to refer to textbooks to supplement their review with additional pictures and diagrams. Further benefit could be derived from making their own drawings, diagrams, and flow charts. Active and frequent review will lead to higher scores.

Every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of the content. In some cases, discrepancies were found within and among references; then information was either selected from the most recent publication or confirmed in another source. Please let the publisher know if you have suggestions for improving future editions.

Table of Contents:

1.Laboratory Operations Review 2.Clinical Chemistry Review 3.Clinical Microbiology Review 4.Hematology Review 5.Immunology Review 6.Immunohematology Review 7.Urinalysis and Body Fluids Review 8.Molecular Diagnostics (MDx) Review 9.Management and Education Review

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