Applied Mixed Model Analysis: A Practical Guide (2nd Edition) – eBook PDF
Applied Mixed Model Analysis: A Practical Guide, 2nd Edition, (PDF) is devised for applied researchers who want to use mixed models with their data. It considers the basic principles of mixed model analysis, including two-level and three-level structures, and includes dichotomous outcome variables, continuous outcome variables, and categorical and survival outcome variables. Focusing interpretation of results, the ebook develops the most important applications of mixed models, such as the study of group differences, multivariate mixed model analysis, longitudinal data analysis, IPD meta-analysis, and mixed model predictions. All examples are evaluated with STATA, and a vast overview and comparison of alternative software packages is provided. All datasets used in the ebook are available for download, so readers can re-analyze the examples to get a strong understanding of the methods. Though most examples are taken from epidemiological and clinical studies, this ebook is also highly recommended for researchers working in other fields.
Additional ISBNs: 978-1108480574, 978-1108575393, 978-1108573771, 978-1108727761, 9781108573771, 9781108727761, 1108573770, 110872776X
NOTE: The product only includes the ebook, Applied Mixed Model Analysis: A Practical Guide 2nd Edition in PDF. No access codes are included.
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