
Policing in America (8th Edition)

eBook details

  • Authors: Larry K. Gaines, Victor E. Kappeler
  • File Size: 15 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 676 Pages
  • Publisher: Routledge; 8th edition
  • Publication Date: July 21, 2014
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1138415642, 0323311482
  • ISBN-13: 9781138415645, 9780323311489

Original price was: $94.95.Current price is: $13.99.

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Policing in America (8th Edition) – eBook PDF

In the field of law enforcement in the USA, it is essential to know the contemporary problems being faced and combine that knowledge with theoretical reasoning and empirical research to arrive at best practices and an understanding of policing. Policing in America 8th Edition (PDF), provides a thorough analysis of the key issues in policing today, and offers an issues-oriented discussion focusing on critical concerns such as organization and management, personnel systems, discretion, use of force, operations, culture and behavior, civil liability, ethics and deviance, and police-community relations. A critical assessment of police history and the role politics played in the development of American police institutions is also addressed, as well as terrorism, globalization, and homeland security. This new Eighth Edition not only offers updated research and examples, but also incorporates more ways for the reader to connect to the content through discussion questions, learning objectives, and “Myths and Realities of Policing” boxes. Video and Internet links provide additional coverage of important issues. With completely revised and updated chapters Policing in America 8e provides an up-to-date examination of what to expect as a police officer in America.

Additional ISBNs: 978-1138415645, 9781217521976, 9781315721439, 9780323354219, 9780323321457, 9780323354226, 978-0323311489, 978-1217521976, 978-1315721439, 978-0323354219, 978-0323321457, 1317521978, 1315721430, 0323354211, 032335422X, 978-0323354226

NOTE: This sale only includes the ebook Policing in America 8th edition in PDF. No access codes or other media included.


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