Essentials of Economics (6th Edition) – Hubbard/O’Brien – eBook PDF
The relevance of economics shown with real-world business examples
The expert authors of Essentials of Economics, 6th Edition, (PDF) help strengthen interest in the discipline concepts and make the key principles of this subject relevant to readers’ lives by showing how real businesses use economics to make decisions every day. With constantly changing the US and world economies, the updated 6th Edition has been revised with the latest developments using new real-world business and policy examples. Irrespective of their future career path — trading on Wall Street, opening an art studio, or bartending at the local pub, economics students will benefit from comprehending the economic forces behind their work.
Additional ISBNs: 013489023X, 9780134890234, 978-0134797731, 978-0134890234, 013479804X, 9780134798042, 978-0134798042, 9780134797861, 9780134797878, 978-0134797861, 978-0134797878, 0134797868, 0134797876
P.S. Contact us if you want O’Brien/Hubbard’s Essentials of Economics 6e testbank, or any other instructor resources.
NOTE: The product only includes the ebook Essentials of Economics 6th Edition in PDF. No access codes are included.
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