Concepts for Nursing Practice (3rd Edition) – eBook PDF
Learn the basic concepts of nursing care and apply them to the clinical setting! Gidden’s Concepts for Nursing Practice, 3rd Edition, (PDF) uses a simplified, intuitive approach to explain 57 important concepts relevant to all areas of nursing practice. For easier understanding, this ebook also makes associations among related concepts and connects you to other nursing textbooks. Exemplars for every concept provide useful models and examples, showing how concepts are successfully applied to practice. New to this edition are updated research evidence and a new Population Health concept. Written by conceptual learning expert Jean Giddens, this ebook will help you build clinical reasoning skills and get ready confidently for almost any clinical nursing situation.
- NEW! Discussion questions in case studies strengthen your understanding of each concept.
- NEW! Featured Exemplars sections offer a brief explanation of some of the most important exemplars
- NEW! UPDATED content shows the latest research evidence and national and international practice guidelines.
- Case studies in each chapter make it easier to implement knowledge of nursing concepts to real-world situations
- NEW! UPDATED exemplar links connect you to concept exemplars in other RN- and LPN/LVN-level Elsevier nursing titles.
- UNIQUE! Interrelated Concepts illustrations offer visual cues to understanding and help you make connections across concepts.
- UNIQUE! A logical framework of concepts by units and themes helps you form immediate connections among relevant concepts — a key to conceptual learning.
- A total of 57 important nursing concepts are clearly explained and analyzed, spanning the areas of patient behavior, patient physiology, and the professional nursing environment.
- NEW! Population Health concept shows the future of nursing, in which health care organizations learn to provide care that is high in quality, patient-centered, cost-effective, and evidence-based.
- Authoritative content written by expert contributors and carefully edited by concept-based learning expert Jean Giddens sets the standard for the quickly growing concept-based curriculum movement.
- UNIQUE! Featured Exemplars sections explain selected exemplars related to each nursing concept, including the entire lifespan and all clinical settings, and assist you to assimilate concepts into practice.
NOTE: The product only includes the ebook Concepts for Nursing Practice, 3rd Edition in PDF. No access codes are included.
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